The Paratilapia genus of Madagascan cichlids contains two of the most attractive species to be found on that forgotten island. The conservation status of these fishes is highly endangered as are most other Madagascan cichlids, due to the destruction of most of their natural habitat. Some specimens had large spots whereas others displayed small spots, so both types became known as Paratilapia polleni "small spot" and Paratilapia bleekeri "large spot".
Paratilapia polleni are sometimes seen in the hobby whereas Paratilapia bleekeri are only rarely to be found. " Paratilapia bleekeri is a larger fish than Paratilapia polleni, and can reach 30 cms when fully mature ".
The colouration of both these fishes from a small size and when breeding, is a gorgeous velvety black, with attractive gold and blue spots on the body and in the tail and dorsal fin.