The Gold Gourami is a color variation of the Blue Gourami that is a deep orange with lighter orange shading. The Gold Gourami also has rust colored markings and is lacking the "spots" of the Blue Gourami. This gourami is a rather peaceful fish that is very comical to watch as a juvenile. Gold Gouramis are considered Labyrinth Fish, meaning they breathe directly from the air and should have access to the surface of the aquarium.
The Gold Gourami is a very attractive color-morph of the Three Spot Gourami Trichopodus trichopterus (previously Trichogaster trichopterus). It is one of the more vibrant colored varieties. It has a pretty gold tone and a deeper toned striped patterning along the back, but it lacks the two dark spots seen on its parentage. This pretty fish makes an attractive addition to the aquarium.