African Dwarf Clawed Frog "Hymenochirus boettgeri"
African Dwarf Clawed Frog "Hymenochirus boettgeri"
African Dwarf Clawed Frog "Hymenochirus boettgeri"

African Dwarf Clawed Frog "Hymenochirus boettgeri"

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African Dwarf Clawed Frogs are different from African Clawed Frogs.
Dwarf clawed frogs, as the name suggests are much much smaller than
African clawed frogs.  They have webbed hands and feet where as the
African Clawed Frog only has webbed feet and not hands. 
African Dwarf Clawed frogs eat relatively the same diet as the African Clawed Frog                  although they eat a lot less. 
They can be fed on frozen Bloodworm, tubifex worm and smaller pieces of the usual food that
you would feed the African Clawed Frogs.  African Clawed Frogs and African Dwarf Clawed frogs can not be kept together in the same tank as the
African Clawed Frog would soon make a quick meal of the African Dwarf Clawed frog.

The Dwarf African Frog is a delightful amphibian that's making a splash among hobbyists. As a true aquatic species, the Dwarf African Frog makes a unique addition to the peaceful freshwater community aquarium. However, the Dwarf African Frog is easier to care for and best observed when housed in its very own aquarium. As its name suggests, the Dwarf African Frog is a very diminutive animal that can easily become prey if kept with large fish. This docile frog is slow and meticulous in its movement and feeding behavior. It is not uncommon for faster, more agile fish to consume all the food intended for the Dwarf African Frog.

Hymenochirus boettgeri and Hymenochirus curtipes

The Dwarf African Frog is a carnivore that requires meaty foods such and frozen or freeze-dried bloodworms, tubifex, and brine shrimp.