Glass Bloodfin Tetra "Prionobrama filigera"

Glass Bloodfin Tetra "Prionobrama filigera"

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Glass Bloodfins Tetras are peaceful and grows to approximately 4.5cm. They are found wild in South America, throughout the Amazon River Basin, in slow moving streams, backwaters, and small calm pools. These fish grow to an adult size of around 2 ½ inches. They are a typical “torpedo” fish shape, similar to their close relative, the common Bloodfin Tetra (Aphyocharax anisitsi). In the Glass Bloodfin the body shape is virtually identical, but the entire body is transparent/translucent. The bones can be seen fairly clearly, and the organ sac is visible in the front/bottom of the body. The body has a translucent shimmering blue effect to it. After settling into their home, they will display the characteristic red colouration on the tail.