Red Tiger Oscar Cichlid "Astronotus ocellatus"

Red Tiger Oscar Cichlid "Astronotus ocellatus"

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  Oscars are all the same species (Astronotus ocellatus), however, there are several color varieties and forms available. The most common varities are those Oscars we normally see at most fish stores. They include Tiger, Red, and Common Oscars. The fish comes in a wide variety of colors and patterns such as Tiger, Black, Albino, Zebra, Red and Fire Red. 

  The Oscar is a very popular aquarium fish in North America and Europe. Oscars are often kept by aquarists with other larger American cichlids.  It is also recommended to place oscars only with larger fish since they have been known to eat smaller fish. Some larger Oscars occasionally enjoy a gentle rub from their owner. Oscars recognize the person who feed them and some times, "dance," in joy when their meal is served..