Green Fire Tetra

Green Fire Tetra

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The Green Fire Tetra (Aphyocharax Rathbuni) is one of the best tetras you can add to a peaceful community aquarium.

Green Fire Tetras are native to the Paraguay region of South America, and more specifically, the freshwater basins of the Paraguay River basin. Green Fire Tetras can also be found in abundance in South America’s pristine freshwaters. The primary colour of this species is shimmering green, with a brilliant red tail base. The crimson spreads over the fish’s underbelly until it reaches its belly. As the fish matures, it develops red and white fins, giving it a distinguishing appearance. The Green Fire Tetra has a life span of 4 years on average.

Green Fire Tetra Care

The Green Fire Tetra is a relatively simple fish to care for. The tank temperature must be between 73 and 79 degrees Fahrenheit, and the water pH must be between 6.5 and 7.0. The Green Fire Tetra is generally 2″ in length; thus, the tank should be 10 gallons or larger. The Green Fire Tetra is quite easy to feed. While most brands of commercially available fish flake or micro pellet would suffice, many aquatic experts recommend supplementing with high-quality protein sources such as frozen, freeze-dried, or live meals (such as bloodworms, daphnia, brine shrimp, or tubifex worms). Because it is a carnivore, the Green Fire Tetra thrives on a diet high in animal proteins.