The Bicolor Blenny, Ecsenius bicolor, also known as the Two Colored Blenny, is named for its two-colored body. The front half of the blenny is a purple/brown color and the back half is often an orange/yellow color. This Blenny is an excellent reef dweller and makes a great addition to almost any tank. It is an active, hardy, and personable fish. Their funny swimming style makes it actually look like they are hopping across the bottom of the tank. While generally friendly, the Bicolor Blenny can get semi-aggressive with similar-looking species. They will require a tank of at least 30 gallons with plenty of live rock hiding places and a tightly sealed lid to prevent escapes. They can also be beneficial tank members by helping dispose of algal growths and other natural vegetation found around the tank as they are voracious herbivores. These fish are really neat because their personalities really shine. Along with their "hopping" swimming motion, the Bicolor Blenny will perch atop rocks, poke their heads out to keep watch, and are always really active around the tank.