The Rummy Nose Rasbora has developed surprisingly similar markings to the South American Rummy Nose Tetra, the two species developed separately into transcontinental look-alikes. This fish has no shortage of common names, being referred to as the Asian Rummynose, Sawbwa Barb, Naked Micro Rasbora, and Rummynose Rasbora. The numerous common names, including both the term barb and rasbora, are due to an ongoing debate over whether this fish fits into the Barb, Rasbora, or Danio category, or if they belong in their own group.
By whatever name and group you choose, this is a great fish for color and temperament. They are very particular about their water, but they are otherwise hardy and easy enough to care for. Because of their sensitivity to water conditions, they are generally not a good beginner fish. They are peaceful so can be kept in a community environment, but they are a bit nervous. They actually do the best with a sexually balanced school of their own kind, and in their own specimen tank
By whatever name and group you choose, this is a great fish for color and temperament. They are very particular about their water, but they are otherwise hardy and easy enough to care for. Because of their sensitivity to water conditions, they are generally not a good beginner fish. They are peaceful so can be kept in a community environment, but they are a bit nervous. They actually do the best with a sexually balanced school of their own kind, and in their own specimen tank